
اسئلة وأجوبة رواية صديقنا المشترك Our Mutual Friend الشهادة السودانية (الجزء الأول)

اسئلة وأجوبة رواية صديقنا المشترك Our Mutual Friend
اسئلة وأجوبة رواية صديقنا المشترك Our Mutual Friend

اسئلة وأجوبة رواية وكتاب الأدب صديقنا المشترك Our Mutual Friend لطلاب الشهادة السودانية الثانوية، قمنا بتقسيم الأسئلة على ستة أجزاء، حيث أن كل جزء يتناول ثلاثة أبواب وهي موضوعة على شكل سؤال وجواب، نتمنى أن يستفاد الطلاب من هذه الأسئلة.

Preface : Coming Home

Give short answers: 

1. Who is the writer (author) of the book “Our Mutual Friend”?
Charles Dickens is.
2. “Have I done right to come back” Who said this?
The young John Harmon did.
3. Was the Old John kind to his son young John Harmon?
No, he wasn’t.
4. What was the Old John Harmon‟s will for his son to inherit his money?
His son must marry a girl called Bella Wilfer.
5. Who is the girl whom Old John wants to marry his son?
Bella Wilfer is.
6. Whom did the young John Harmon tell his story on the ship?
George Radfoot.
7. Who is the Old John‟s lawyer?
Mr. Mortimer Lightwood is.
8. “Shall I be happy, married to a girl that I have never seen?” Who said?
The young John Harmon did.
9. Is John Harmon like George Radfoot (the sailor)?
Yes, he is

Mark these sentences with true or false:

  1. The buildings on both sides of the river Thames were dirty. (true)
  2. The two young men had made a plan. (true)
  3. George Radfoot is a cook on the ship. (false)
  4. John Harmon had not seen the river Thames for 14 years. (true)

Chapter 1: On the River

Give short answers:

1. Who were the two people in the old dirty boat in the river?
Jesse Hexam and his daughter Lizzie Hexam were.
2. “The river is your best friend” Who said?
Jesse Hexam to his daughter.
3. What does the river give Mr. Jesse Hexam and his daughter Lizzie?
Their Living.
4. “Always in luck, you are, partner” Who said this?
Hexam’s partner Rogue Riderhood did.
5. What was the thing that followed the boat at the end of the rope?
It was the body of a drowned man.

Mark these sentences with true or false:

  1. The grey haired man was Charley Hexam. (false).
  2. “Take that thing off your face, Lizzie” Said Jesse Hexam. (true).
  3. Rogue Riderhood is a thief. (false).
  4. Lizzie was rowing the boat through the shadows. (true).

Chapter 2: The Harmon Murder

 Give short answers:

1. What were Mortimer Lightwood and Mr. Eugene Wrayburn?
They were lawyers.
2. Who was Mortimer Lightwood‟s client who died?
The old John Harmon was.
3. How did the Old rogue John make his money?
By collecting dust.
4. Did the young John Harmon help his father collect dust?
No, he didn’t.
5. Did the dust collector make a will?
Yes, he did.
6. In what condition will the young John Harmon get his father‟s money?
After he marries Bella Wilfer.
7. What is strange about young John‟s death?
He was found drowned in the river .
8. Who wrote the letter to Lawyer Lightwood?
Charley Hexam did.
9. Why did Lizzie send Charley away?
To learn and change his life to better life.
10.How does Jesse Hexam make his living?
By taking the drowned bodies out of the river.
11.Does Charley Hexam like his father‟s job?
No, he doesn’t.
12.“Do you want to get rid of me” Who said?
Charley Hexam to his sister Lizzie.
13.Why did Mr. Julius Handford come to the police station?
To see the body of the drowned man.
14.Where did Charley take Mortimer and his friend Eugene?
To his father’s house on the edge of the water.

 Mark these sentences with true or false:

  1. Both Mortimer Lightwood and Eugene Wrayburn were young men. (true)
  2. Mortimer and Eugene were interested in law. (false)
  3. The old John died very poor. (false)
  4. The Old John became rich by making boats. (false)
  5. The young John Harmon has been abroad for 14 years. (true)
  6. Harmon returns to find a fortune (wealth) and to take a wife. (true)
  7. The old John quarreled with his son long ago. (true)
  8. The old man saw the girl “Bella” once, when she was 10 years old. (false)
  9. Bella Wilfer was a very beautiful girl. (true)
  10. Lizzie has been to school. (false)
  11. Young John Harmon had been reported to be murdered. (true)
  12. “I hate the river. It brings nothing but unhappiness” Said Lizzie. (true)
  13. Mr. Julius Handford was afraid of Mr. Lightwood. (false)
  14. Charley was accused of murdering the young John Harmon. (false)

Chapter 3: The Golden Dustman

Give short answers:

1. “Here I am in this ugly, black dress, Pa” Why was Bella sad and angry?
Because her intended husband was murdered.
2. Was Reginald Wilfer a rich man?
No, he wasn’t
3. Who was the young man who rent a room from Mr. Wilfer? 
John Rokesmith was.
4. “Let me be witness, Pa,” Who said?
Bella Wilfer did.
5. Why did Bella think that Mr. Rokesmith was a murderer?
Because he cannot look anyone in the face.
6. “Oh, why do we have to be poor” Who said?
Bella Wilfer did.
7. Who will inherit the old John Harmon after his son has died?
His old servant Mr. Boffin will.
8. Were Noddy Boffin and his wife educated?
No, they weren’t.
9. How much pounds did Mr. Harmon left for Mr. Boffin?
100,000 pounds.
10.How much was the reward for the man who finds John Harmon‟s murderer?
10,000 ponds.
11.Did The Boffin have any children?
No, they haven’t.
12.Whom does Mr. Boffin mean by “Our Mutual Friend”?
Because he is a friend of the two families.
13.What other name do people call Mr. Boffin?
They call him the Golden Dustman.
14.How old was John Harmon when he was sent a way to a foreign school?
He was only 7 years old.
15.Did Mrs. Boffin want to go into society and fashion?
Yes, she wanted.
16.“If Miss Bella will make her home with us, we shall be very happy” Who said?
Mr. Boffin said to the wilfer’s.
17.“You mustn’t dislike us because of the money? Who said?
Mrs. Boffin said to Bella Wilfer.

Mark these sentences with true or false:

  1. The round-faced little man who was sitting beside Bella was Hexam. (false)
  2. Reginald Wilfer was a cheerful, poor man with a large family. (true)
  3. Bella liked being poor. (false)
  4. Reginald Wilfer was very fond of his daughter, Bella. (true)
  5. John Rokesmith was a shy and awkward man. (true)
  6. “I think we’ve got a murderer or a robber for a lodger” Said Wilfer. (false)
  7. Mr. Rokesmith will pay Mr. Wilfer seven moths rent. (false)
  8. Mr. Julius Handford and Mr. John Rokesmith were the same man. (true)
  9. Noddy Boffin helped the old John Harmon in the farm. (false)
  10. Noddy and his wife were honest and kind people. (true)
  11. Mr. and Mrs. Boffin didn‟t want to help the poor Bella. (false)
  12. “I would like to be your secretary” Said Rokesmith to Mr. Boffin. (true)
  13. Mr. Boffin and his wife will move into smaller house. (false)
  14. Bella would go and live with the Boffins. (true)
  15. Mr. Rokesmith was a quiet, polite and sensible young man. (true)

مقالات ذات صلة

  1. استفدت الصراحة الأسئلة واضحة جدا والاجوبة ايضا

  2. الاجابات true و false مكتوبة في نفس السطر و من الصعب تغطي الاجابة و تجاوب من راسك ... الرجاء تصحيح هذا الخطأ


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